I’m running for Catoctin District seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors because I want to protect Western Loudoun—its towns, historic villages, working farms, and scenic landscapes—from poor planning decisions that threaten to degrade our quality of life our rural eonomy, and our county’s fiscal health.
I’m running as an Independent because I want to represent all citizens and communities of Western Loudoun regardless of political affiliations.
All of us love this special place and, working together, we can make it better, as we make sure it remains as amazing tomorrow as it is today.
I will be your full-time representative on the Board, and my door will always be open.
EARLY VOTING BEGAN SEPTEMBER 22. Want to see how John's positions contrast with those of his opponent? Click here.
Outdoor Recreation
Catoctin Election District
Following the 2020 U.S. Census, the Board of Supervisors voted in 2022 on the redistricting, map, which shifted the boundaries of the county’s 8 magesterial districts so that each has similar populations.
The new, larger Catoctin District, which extends from the Potomac river on the north and east to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the county line to the west, and now encompasses towns and villages formerly in the Blue Ridge District: Hillsboro, Purcellville, Round Hill, Bluemont, Lincoln, and Philomont.
Depending on where you live, where you vote may have changed. Check the location of your polling place here.
Do you want to vote by mail? Click here to find out how on the Loudoun County Board of Elections website.