John’s Platform
Click here for a comparison of John's policies and principles with those of his opponent.

Sustainable Growth
Over-development of Loudoun’s small towns and rural areas makes our roads congested and dangerous, raises the costs and risks of farming, degrades the scenery that draws customers to our vibrant tourism businesses, causes wells to run dry and water sources to be polluted, and threatens to increase our tax burdens. I am committed to smart, slow growth that preserves and enhances the quality of life of all our citizens and helps existing small businesses to thrive and grow, now and in the future.​

Taxes and Spending
I am a fiscal conservative who is committed to maintaining County taxes at the lowest possible level needed to fund the public infrastructure and services our citizens demand, while also maintaining the integrity of rural Loudoun.
The County is hooked on growth. Rising spending and increasing debt are unsustainable and will inevitably lead to tax increases in the future. I will fight to bring spending under control and reduce the County's growing dependence on data center revenues.
Traffic and Roads
Traffic safety is my highest priority. Every resident of western Loudoun knows that our primary rural roads are already too congested. In many places, they are unsafe for school buses, farm operations, rural tourism, commuting to work, and other uses. I support the use of roundabouts, law enforcement pullouts, and other cost-effective ways of discouraging dangerous driving while maintaining a steady flow of traffic.
I will fight to ensure that new residential development does not overwhelm the capacity of the existing rural road system. I will not allow developers to force County taxpayers to bear the costs of expanding road capacity, paving gravel roads, or making other “improvements” needed to accommodate their projects.

Rural Prosperity
Farming is the backbone of our rural economy. Our farmers provide healthy, high quality produce to consumers throughout the County and the entire metropolitan area. As other production areas in the western USA deteriorate, Loudoun’s prime farming soils are an indispensable resource that we cannot allow development to destroy. These beautiful working lands are what our wineries, breweries, event centers and other rural tourism businesses depend on to maintain the attractive rural setting that attracts local, national and international tourists.
As Catoctin Supervisor, I will continue working with the Farm Bureau and others to adopt a zoning amendment that requires new rural subdivisions to preserve prime farming soils, and will continue fighting for a Purchase of Development Rights program.
Natural Resources
We must protect our water supply from contamination and over-extraction. Keeping our farmland working and our soils healthy contributes to the land's ecological health, and preserving our forests and tree cover preserves the diversity of our ecosystem and our ability to withstand climate changes.